Refine consciousness. Rewire your brain. Map a new path.
Well-being coaching to clarify, establish & integrate habits for transformation.
Customized meditation instruction to target specific needs and goals.
Energetic balancing includes reiki, polarity & craniosacral therapies.
Similar to what yogis call the “space between breaths,” Stillpoint is the momentum between each heartbeat. It defines a moment of potential when the heart muscle is neither in expansion nor contraction.
This pinpoint of time is like a punctuation of power: a place that rests between our last action and our next one, between our past and our future. It is the infinite within a micro-millisecond where the alchemy of transformation takes place. Locating the Stillpoint gives us permission for opening and developing from a limitless source of possibility and potential.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
—Viktor Frankl
7 Minute Meditation
Enjoy this meditation designed to center and rebalance.